Monday, July 02, 2007

New Beginning

Today marks the first day of my new life. I'm reading a book by doctors Mehmet Oz & Michael Roizen called You on a Diet. The best part of this book is that it's not really about a diet. It's about You, or rather Me.. and why We are not able to lose weight and keep it off. For the first time in my life, I think I finally get it. I am no longer blaming myself for lack of willpower or believing that if/when I fall off the wagon, I am weak. It's so much more about the chemistry of foods we eat and what We (I) have done to screw up our body's thermostat. The best part is that our bodies are forgiving. We can reset the thermostat so it begins working properly again.. the innate ability of our body to know what it needs and how to heal itself. This is wonderful news for those of us who are/were lifetime yoyo dieters.

Today begins Chapter 1. Today I took my first step toward a healthier body (and attitude). I made a commitment to myself to start walking a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Not power-walking, not jogging, no pushing my cardio limits just yet. Just plain walking. Movement. I also asked a good friend, KB, if she'd be my Point Person.. the one I proudly call (or email) on a daily basis to proclaim that Yes, I did indeed honor the commitment I made to myself.. and walked XX number of minutes today. Thank you, KB, for not only agreeing to accept my calls/emails each day, but for also offering your unconditional support over the years. You inspire and motivate me on a daily basis and for you I am truly thankful.

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At 4:41 PM, Blogger mcbeth said...

Hey hey hey, way to go!

Isn't that weird-funny that the right information at the right time can hit us 'just so', and it just comes to us differently? I'm relieved; means there's always the possibility that I'll be able to change things in my life that I want to change.

I'm really proud of you, honey. xoxo


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