Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Figure 8

Day 8: Rode bike to & from work.. humidity UP this morning, but DOWN this afternoon. Yeah!

I went out for my 30-minute walk around the neighborhood this evening and snapped a few pics of what I saw.

This is a house on a dead-end street that caught my eye. Actually the spiral staircase leading to the deck is what attracted me to this space.
The Bowling Ball Garden in front of Truly Remarkable Loon's residence. This place always puts a smile on my face.
Is this tree growing peas? That's what I first thought it was when I walked underneath the green canopy.
What I first noticed about this house was the kitty sitting in the window, who appeared to be looking at the flock of flamingos sitting in the window box.

A couple were sipping wine on a bench in the front yard. The man playfully said to me, "Photos are 50 cents a piece!" heh. I told them I was photo-documenting my walk.. so that I would actually take my walk. They thought that was a fine idea. Indeed.


At 8:50 PM, Blogger mcbeth said...

ooooOOOOOOooooh, me likey that spiral staircase. What is it about spirals that are so enticing?

I'm proud of you for finding a really creative way to spend your walking time so it doesn't seem like an onerous task but more like 'hmm, what'll I run into today?'.

Purdy pictures, keep 'em coming!

YAY you : )


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