Sunday, September 02, 2007

Unexpected GREAT news!

Two months ago I embarked on a new approach to being healthy. During this time I have tried to create new habits that will, in time, reset my inner metabolism, while ridding myself of some old "bad" habits that, frankly, just haven't worked for me.

One of the measurements of my progress is to weigh myself just once a month (preferably on the 1st, as that's easy to remember.. or, so I thought, as I totally forgot to do so on Aug. 1st!) Yesterday, Sept. 1st, Beth & I went on a nice long bike ride around the lake (long for us.. 12+ miles, as we took one wrong turn and paid dearly for it by biking up the steepest hill I've ever biked!) As we approached the last couple of miles, my butt was so sore that we pulled over and took a short 'off the saddle' break. Beth suggested we might reward ourselves later by going over to the gym and sitting in their whirlpool. Well, one thing led to another (okay, so we got sucked into watching 'Jerry McGuire' on cable while we were eating dinner)..and by the time we got our acts together to hit the gym, it was after 11 pm!

The nice thing about going to the gym at such an odd hour is that it's virtually deserted. Perfect! We started off in the moist eucalyptus sauna, followed that with a couple of laps in the cooler pool, and then ended up in the whirlpool for close to 45 minutes. Ahhhhhh...

While I was waiting for Beth to dry her hair in the locker room, I spied the digital weighing scale at the other end of the room. It suddenly occured to me that it was the 1st of the month.. and I had NOT weighed myself. Then I realized I had not weighed myself for the past two months. D'oh! I nervously walked over and stepped up on the scale Was I seeing correctly? Or had the prolonged exposure to chlorine blurred my vision? The scale showed I was 20 lbs. lighter than what it read just two months ago! YEAH! Woot woot!!

I knew that my clothes were starting to fit better and that I was even feeling better, but the actual weight loss came as a complete surprise! I can't wait to email KB, my point person extraordinaire and share my excellent news. KB had just sent me an email a couple of days ago, asking gently why I had not been in touch with my daily reports of activity. I had responded to her that it had been a very tough couple of weeks and what a slacker I had let myself become! Looking back, I see now that, while I didn't complete 30 minutes of actual timed activity each and every day over the past two weeks, I did manage to either ride my bike or walk into work almost every day. Sometimes I think my toughest critic is myself. So, I'm off now to report in.. and give myself a well-deserved pat on the back. This has been a good day.



At 7:42 PM, Blogger mcbeth said...

I'm really proud of you for sticking with it, like when you take a walk around the 'hood after a really long day of work, when frankly walking is the at the bottom of the list of things that sound like fun.



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